About me

My photo
aku pencinta seni... i spent most of my life for art... i'm addicted... i mean to art... i might not that great... but i do try 2 make a better design... this is me " the eddieolistic "

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Messy Life

hey guys... its already June coming up in just one more day less... nothing much happen in this few month since January till this coming June... my life is kinda messy i guess... i try to do that and this... but still nothing much to talk about... just say that my life is kinda boring... ha-ha ... i'm not updating my blog for almost 2 or 3 month... see... it felt like I've already forgetting about the existing of this blog... you know what guys... I've lost my sense for art and design... i still can make a design... but i don't know why i can't come out with my crazy idea like before...  i could say that my sense of designing slowly get away from my mind just like all butterfly in my design above... and day by day i just watch this screen till my eyes tears with blood... that's just a metaphors to show what exactly happen to me... sound serious right.? ha-ha... but its true... that's also the reason why i not come out what any new design in this few month... but... i'll try my best to make sure that sense come back to me... so that you guys could see more design from me... that's all guy... good night...

p/s : ................................................................................

Monday, March 14, 2011

" Photoshop Cs5 "

check.. check.. eheeeemmmm...!!! okeyh boleh start da... hihi... saja nk test suara... tp u'll bkn boleh dgr pn kn... ntah pape aku nih kn... ta kesa la... oritee... pe habaq eddieolister sume..?? hope u'll sihat la time baca entry nih... ofkoz la time lain pn hope u'll sihat gak kn... btw.. u'll boleh baca kn title entry tuh.?? haaaaaaa.... hari nih aku nk share ngan u'll brkaitan dgn aplikasi yg mmg sgt familiar ngan sume graphic designer yg ad kt lua nun... if any graphic designer ta knl ngan aplikasi nih mmg ta layak dipanggil graphic designer kot... ghahaha... pe lg kalu bkn ADOBE PHOTOSHOP... aplikasi nih da lme ad dlm dunia graphic design... every year aplikasi nih terus terusan di-upgrade... skang photoshop da smpi version Cs5... pe yg aku bleh share ngan u'll sal photoshop Cs5.?? haha... bnyk yg da brubah kalu nk compare dgn Cs4 & version yg terdahulu... aku mmg teruja bila dpt guna Cs5... da lama aku mngidam... at last dpt gak... interface Cs5 ta jauh beza ngan Cs4... tools pown sme jer... da tuh pe bezanya.?? haaaa... ad few things yg dey'll da upgrade & add... kalu dlu nk crop picture mmg leceh... tmbh lg kalu part rmbut... mmg nmpk la kesan crop... lmbt lak tuh nk settle satu kepala... tp skrg da sng... just few second da dpt crop rmbut tanpa kesan yg jelas... pantas dan mudah... teruja.?? haha... okeyh... for those yg tringin nk blaja cmne nk edit guna photoshop... u'll jgn risau... i'll show how to use this aplication... start from basic till part yg complicated... tp bkn hari nih la... ta larat... mngantuk.. hihi... u'll rjin2 la jd stalker kt blog aku nih... nt aku update blog nih dgn tutorial2 basic editing using photoshop keyh... gd nyte eddieolister sume..!!!

p/s : yg pntg u'll minat.. =))

Thursday, March 3, 2011

" exploring "

hye guys..!! haha... lme da ta jenguk blog neh...
aku nk share kt korg sal design aku buat few days ago...
quite simple... but means alot keyh...
actually aku ngah duk2 kt ofis... disbbkn kije ta bnyk...
aku pown capai la pen ngan kertas...
mle la tgn aku meliuk lentok menghasilkn sebuah lukisan..
just nk isi mse yg terluang tuh kn...
dr stu garis aku tmbh lg smpi la terhasilnye karya agung dan penuh makna neh
(exaggerated sket nk bg cte cmbest)... haha..
then pas aku lukis tuh terase nk edit dlm Ps (photoshop) lak...
sbb pc aku tade scanner...
aku pown suh la akak yg stu ofis ngan aku neh scankn drawing aku tuh msuk computer...
sbb dye jek yg ad scanner... hahaha... thanks kak...
then ble msuk jek drawing tuh dlm Ps... aku pown mle la explore drawing tuh...
jap jd cmneh... jap jd cmtuh... smpi la aku jmpe stu tool...
once u click this tool... the color will totally change... its going to be very different...
drawing sme... tp colour mmg jd menarik...
korg tgk la sndri keyh....

neh drawing yg asal...
tp background aku da tkar...
- simple -

then it turn into this...
just with a single click...
- wow.! -

then... change again...
- cool.! -

last one... quite sumthing with these color kn...
- no komen -

design neh combination between hand drawing ngan designing software...
simple jek kn... but.. atleast aku blaja bnda bru ngan design neh...
kalu ta aku tataw pe gne tool tuh... btw...
kalu korg rse nk blaja... just ask me...
i'll try to help u guys... =))

p/s : sharing is caring... caring is loving... loving is.......................................

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

" bebanan + tekanan = hilang akal "

Hari neh... mmg hari yg btul2 challenging ntuk aq kt tmpt kije... korg nk taw npe.?? korg bce neh.:

1- cpu aq problem....
2- printer pown problem gak...
3- order mkin bnyk...
4- da la bnyk... dorg issue lmbt lak tuh...
5- issue lmbt... tp nk cpt (kalu korg ati pns ta.? cnfirm pny la kn)
6- plus aq sorg yg kne uat sume tuh sbb aq jek pown graphic designer kt c2...
7- nk break taleh lme sbb pk kije yg da brtimbun tuh nk urgent...
6- sale CSO (customer service officer) dok la push2 aq nk suh siapkn order dorg...
7- tekanan smpi kt otak ble pk manager aq nk resign...
8- kne blk lmbt sbb nk cover job ntuk sok...( nasib baik OT berbayar )
9- fuhh... bnyk kn problem aq hari neh... haha

Tp... wlaupown aq trpkse hadapi sume mslh tuh... aq tenang jek... just ad part2 yg aq tension gak la... dr rmbut yg tersusun kemas (wlaupn ta sikat kn ) trus brubh jd cm rmbut Albert einstein tuh... stylo kn mamat tuh... haha... tp at last aq manage gak la handle sume mslh2 tuh... hihi...  keyh la... aq nk tdo dlu... ngntk dowhhhh...!!!

p/s : belajar dr pengalaman kn...??? aq taw korg nk ckp tuh...=p

Friday, February 18, 2011

" hey dak C.O.M.E.L..!!! "

eh.. korg jgn slh phm ngan title tuh...
bkn aq sound spe2 dak comel@yg rse comel...
ntah npe aq cm " alergi " ble org ckp prkataan tuh & tujukn pd aq...
smlm ad...
arineh ad...
sok lusa ntah laa...
kalu aq mara kag dowg ckp ayt neh...
" aik.. puji pown slh kerrrrr....??? "
 da tuh nk uat cmne...
da mmg aq alergi ngan ayt tuh...
kalu aq tujukn kt owg tuh tade hal la...
tp plis la jgn ckp kt aq...
i'm 22 " this year okeyh...
those word cm da xssuai lg ngan " jiwa kental " aq neh (kental la kowt)...
so pls stop calling me " C.O.M.E.L " okeyh..??

mke cmneh pown org ckp comel kerr..???

p/s : erghh..... =_="

" blogger boy "

korg msti trkjut tgk blog aq kn... hehe...
i've change  & add many "things" inside my blog...
thanks alot kt " Alex " sbb bnyk bg idea kt aq..
tp aq tataw bpe lme interface blog aq neh bley brthn...
it might be change again tomorrow...
i dont know...
part design tuh aq try come out with new idea...
like it ha.???
kalu korg nk pape advice sal design...
just ask me keyh...
mne yg aq mmpu tlng tuh aq tlng la....

p/s : org kate manusia ta pena puas kn...
mybe aq pown da jd cmtuh ble design blog neh...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Da bpe ari ta update pape kt cnie...
feeling empty "...
cm kosong jekk rsenye since few days ago...
ngan mslh kt tmpt kije lg...
ntah laaa...
tp nk uat cmne kalu da nme kije tuh kne la hadap gak kn...
idea pown da " stuck " ntah kt mne...
tp siyes...
aq lalui hri2 yg mmbosankn...
tade pape yg mnarik ntuk aq luahkn kt cnie...
doing same things evrydays...
nothing much to talk about...
nothing much to update here...
just telling that i'm feeling...
" empty "

p/s : hope u guys pass through ur day with full of joy & happiness... =)