About me

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aku pencinta seni... i spent most of my life for art... i'm addicted... i mean to art... i might not that great... but i do try 2 make a better design... this is me " the eddieolistic "

Friday, February 18, 2011

" hey dak C.O.M.E.L..!!! "

eh.. korg jgn slh phm ngan title tuh...
bkn aq sound spe2 dak comel@yg rse comel...
ntah npe aq cm " alergi " ble org ckp prkataan tuh & tujukn pd aq...
smlm ad...
arineh ad...
sok lusa ntah laa...
kalu aq mara kag dowg ckp ayt neh...
" aik.. puji pown slh kerrrrr....??? "
 da tuh nk uat cmne...
da mmg aq alergi ngan ayt tuh...
kalu aq tujukn kt owg tuh tade hal la...
tp plis la jgn ckp kt aq...
i'm 22 " this year okeyh...
those word cm da xssuai lg ngan " jiwa kental " aq neh (kental la kowt)...
so pls stop calling me " C.O.M.E.L " okeyh..??

mke cmneh pown org ckp comel kerr..???

p/s : erghh..... =_="

" blogger boy "

korg msti trkjut tgk blog aq kn... hehe...
i've change  & add many "things" inside my blog...
thanks alot kt " Alex " sbb bnyk bg idea kt aq..
tp aq tataw bpe lme interface blog aq neh bley brthn...
it might be change again tomorrow...
i dont know...
part design tuh aq try come out with new idea...
like it ha.???
kalu korg nk pape advice sal design...
just ask me keyh...
mne yg aq mmpu tlng tuh aq tlng la....

p/s : org kate manusia ta pena puas kn...
mybe aq pown da jd cmtuh ble design blog neh...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Da bpe ari ta update pape kt cnie...
feeling empty "...
cm kosong jekk rsenye since few days ago...
ngan mslh kt tmpt kije lg...
ntah laaa...
tp nk uat cmne kalu da nme kije tuh kne la hadap gak kn...
idea pown da " stuck " ntah kt mne...
tp siyes...
aq lalui hri2 yg mmbosankn...
tade pape yg mnarik ntuk aq luahkn kt cnie...
doing same things evrydays...
nothing much to talk about...
nothing much to update here...
just telling that i'm feeling...
" empty "

p/s : hope u guys pass through ur day with full of joy & happiness... =)