About me

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aku pencinta seni... i spent most of my life for art... i'm addicted... i mean to art... i might not that great... but i do try 2 make a better design... this is me " the eddieolistic "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

" exploring "

hye guys..!! haha... lme da ta jenguk blog neh...
aku nk share kt korg sal design aku buat few days ago...
quite simple... but means alot keyh...
actually aku ngah duk2 kt ofis... disbbkn kije ta bnyk...
aku pown capai la pen ngan kertas...
mle la tgn aku meliuk lentok menghasilkn sebuah lukisan..
just nk isi mse yg terluang tuh kn...
dr stu garis aku tmbh lg smpi la terhasilnye karya agung dan penuh makna neh
(exaggerated sket nk bg cte cmbest)... haha..
then pas aku lukis tuh terase nk edit dlm Ps (photoshop) lak...
sbb pc aku tade scanner...
aku pown suh la akak yg stu ofis ngan aku neh scankn drawing aku tuh msuk computer...
sbb dye jek yg ad scanner... hahaha... thanks kak...
then ble msuk jek drawing tuh dlm Ps... aku pown mle la explore drawing tuh...
jap jd cmneh... jap jd cmtuh... smpi la aku jmpe stu tool...
once u click this tool... the color will totally change... its going to be very different...
drawing sme... tp colour mmg jd menarik...
korg tgk la sndri keyh....

neh drawing yg asal...
tp background aku da tkar...
- simple -

then it turn into this...
just with a single click...
- wow.! -

then... change again...
- cool.! -

last one... quite sumthing with these color kn...
- no komen -

design neh combination between hand drawing ngan designing software...
simple jek kn... but.. atleast aku blaja bnda bru ngan design neh...
kalu ta aku tataw pe gne tool tuh... btw...
kalu korg rse nk blaja... just ask me...
i'll try to help u guys... =))

p/s : sharing is caring... caring is loving... loving is.......................................